Tag Archive for running

Exercise Really?

The other day the advert for Slendertone caught my eye… The one where a man got a rather nice 6 pack, supposedly from just using slendertone once a day. Oh I wish if only it was that easy, as you might tell I don’t exercise and even though it’s not because I don’t want I also do not want to.… Read more →

Fitness Plateau

I’ve had a stressful few days; nothing major has happened just the usual general life moans. This hasn’t helped my mood generally when i find things a bit tough I go into shut down mode. I don’t want to talk to people, I don’t want to go out and do things. I start moaning about everything… basically life becomes a drag. Normally… Read more →

Run 2 Diet

You might of already read my intro on the “run 2 ride” page, I wasn’t happy with that so have decided to post here about it, and then use that page to go through my running attempts and hopefully upload and share some of my routes, or so you can see the progress I am making. So just to recap…… Read more →

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