Yes it’s true. i just had a snickers for my breakfast (i don’t normally have breakfast) but i love chocolate first thing in the morning, especially good quality chocolate with a strong coffee, obviously i don’t have it very often now that I’m dieting. I think this habit comes from the times when i use to sneak into the kitchen… Read more →
Men Have No Idea!
Hubby was trying to convince me last night that he wasn’t craving alcohol, but was trying to say that’s it’s not right that he didn’t have a drink and it felt strange like he should have one :-s I think this was his first experience of a craving lol, but he still won’t admit it. He was good though and stuck to… Read more →
23st Today
Just realised I,ve hit the 23st mark again!!! I was 322lbs this morning, grr if I had realised when I hit 321lbs last week that means I was actually 22st something… Damn it. Oh well hopefully by end of weekend I will be there again, I think once I hit the 280lbs I will change my scales back to stones… Read more →
My Big Fat Gypsy Visit…
I feel after yesterday’s post it’s only fitting that I continue the theme and tell you about the visitor i had in late 2005 (ooh that seems so long ago now. I,m not sure exactly when it was I think it was late summer. At the time I had a dog grooming salon I was trying to get up and… Read more →
Moon Phases, Is It Waning Or Waxing
Superstitions, love them or hate them, I’d be surprised if there is anyone who has none. I have a few some since childhood (Mr Magpie and crossing on the stairs, i got those from my mum, oh and new shoes on the table). I picked up a couple such as don’t open packets the wrong way, and that peacock feathers… Read more →
It Never Tastes As Good
So I,ve been bad again this weekend, bit of family stress is always good for zapping my mood. Add to that I,ve felt ridiculously hungry, it’s crazy yesterday I was literally like a horse I was grazing all day. And well into the evening, even when I thought I could eat no more, I swear my stomach was grumbling. What I… Read more →
Rumbled at the krispy-Kreme counter
This really has been a bad week for me, it dawned on me last night as I was making marmite on toast (no I wasn’t hungry). As I was standing there waiting for the toast it just sort of hit me…. SHIT, I’m back in the binge/diet cycle. Since the New Year I have tried to be good most morning’s… Read more →
Why Have I Done This To Myself
I did my first workout on the ‘EAsports active 2’ for the PlayStation 3 on Sunday. It was only 20mins and yes there were some easy moves as well as hard ones. no matter what they say i cannot hold my legs of the floor while resting on my elbows… that was a slight annoyance other than that i quite… Read more →
How Can A Girl Forget About SHOES!
This is a quick follow on from yesterday; i forgot to mention shoes… obviously more specifically riding boots. I already knew that long boots would be impossible for me to find. I just didn’t think finding Jodhpur boots or even yard boots would also be a problem, i don’t consider myself to have particularly big feet but they are wide… Read more →
Clothes Rail Nightmare
Have you been there? Looking in the wardrobe for something that will fit and look reasonably presentable. You have two options…. A, go for the trusted items you’ve been wearing constantly for last 6 weeks. or B, you decide to be daring and wear something different after all usually when you are looking for something nice to wear you are… Read more →