ahhhh dear, just when I think I am getting somewhere the time comes for my monthly cycle… argh dieting or not it’s never a good time of the month for me, I’m very grr with everyone around me and stressed. People think I’m just being moody but they don’t know what goes on internally I’m fighting even stronger urges to eat, I find it very hard to relax and unwind, esp. if there is any other stress going on in my life (there usually is). Since having Horatio I have really bad pains in my stomach that are sometimes so bad I crumple up, and I also have a lot more bowel movements. (Sorry if this is a bit too much info for some people). Fortunately I have found 2 products to help me with this, one I know for sure works – feminax is amazing for the stomach cramps – and the other I started taking a couple of weeks ago – femibion balance, I can’t give a definitive on this until I take it for a bit longer – Here’s hoping it will calm the mood swings down.
On a plus note I have managed to keep my weight heading in the right direction (ok it might be a little on the slow side, but hey it is going down). 340lbs this morning, I was hoping to be below that by now, but I don’t think I was being realistic; we are coming into hibernation time with warm hot chocolates in front of the TV. Apple spiced cakes with family shopping trips and that doesn’t include the candy bounty we will have this weekend from Halloween. however This year I am going to do something way out there for me, I’m going to try and make pumpkin soup from the pumpkins I carve. every year I say to myself I don’t like pumpkin, if I’m honest though I don’t actually think I have ever tasted it, the time has come to give it a try.
Over the past few years my palate for vegetables has grown tremendously, (except for courgettes and furry runner beans). I do really enjoy most vegetables now but they are still served as a side to the meat and carbs we usually have. So I have found a few recipes where vegetables are the stars and will be trying these over the next few weeks. I will try and do a recipe page at some point I know there are millions of recipe pages out there but it would be nice to share some of our more successful ones.
For the last month or so I have been in a bit of an economy/stop the wastage drive. before when things went out of date we just use to sling them in the bin – or feed it to the dogs – but now I make a point of planning our meals around what we have hanging about in the fridge and cupboards. It’s much more satisfying knowing you’ve made a meal or even dessert from something you would usually throw away. This has also had an effect on how much we eat out. Because I am forward thinking for once. It draws me back to what I said once before about not liking routine’s etc, but really what is wrong with being a bit organised for once. It actually leaves your mind freer for the creative and impromptu stuff that just happens.