Tag Archive for too fat

Nutella Negativity

I’m not going to focus on how bad I was yesterday… I will say it could have been worse at least I managed to walk the dogs and do something with NAS. Not really the attitude but still nothing I can do now to change it. I can’t change yesterday but I can change today, tomorrow, the future. I want… Read more →

Nas Is In The Zone

Just a quick note to say, I’m still in the zone. Managed to lose 5 of the 8lbs I had put on. Which is kind of ok at least it’s going down again. I won’t be fully happy until I am back into losing fresh new pounds. Hey ho. But that’s not what this post is about… This one is… Read more →

What a day…

It,s gorgeous outside this morning, the sun is bright. There is a slight frost so the ground is firm, not hard where it hurts your feet as you walk or you trip over. There is no wind, it’s fresh but not so cold your bones feel chilled. It’s a perfect horse day… In fact it’s a perfect day to go… Read more →

So Much For Being Ultra Good

Dishwasher…. Argh why is it things go wrong just when you need them the most… We decided to cook a Chinese meal on Saturday night i know it was a bit late for Chinese new year but hey the thought was there – never again will I attempt a Chinese meal, I just don’t seem to have the knack, the… Read more →

Why Have I Done This To Myself

I did my first workout on the ‘EAsports active 2’ for the PlayStation 3 on Sunday. It was only 20mins and yes there were some easy moves as well as hard ones. no matter what they say i cannot hold my legs of the floor while resting on my elbows… that was a slight annoyance other than that i quite… Read more →

Clothes Rail Nightmare

Have you been there? Looking in the wardrobe for something that will fit and look reasonably presentable. You have two options…. A, go for the trusted items you’ve been wearing constantly for last 6 weeks. or B, you decide to be daring and wear something different after all usually when you are looking for something nice to wear you are… Read more →

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