Tag Archive for munchies

Taking The Biscuit

Realising I still haven’t got a grasp on treats yet. This is one of those funny posts, because on the one hand I don’t agree with the food as treats theory, but on the other I kind of do. Only last night in a bid to stop Horatio having a meltdown at school, I told him we were going to… Read more →

My Hoys Triumph

Ok so no i didnt win any classes at hoys (horse of the year show) maybe one day… you never know. What I did manage though was to be pretty good. I think I have spoken before about the time I once spent £50 on food for the day there. sure we are there 12hours pretty much and the food… Read more →

Mental Block Or

What…   I didn’t last very long on the dark side yesterday, I quickly got sucked into a black hole of self-despair and depression. And we all know the way out of one of those is to eat chocolate -or whatever your weakness food is- you have to eat quite a bit so you can use the wrappers to heave… Read more →

I Had Dinner

Just over an hour ago… Ham egg and chips, followed by eaton mess. So why then do I feel hungry now. If I think back I wasn’t even stuffed once I had finished, maybe just a bit on all the cream we had. But I am definitely hungry now, I,m not craving anything either -if I was I would of… Read more →

Where Does It

…go so wrong. You might already know I’ve been struggling today… I’m not even sure why, I had a fairly good weekend and weight was ok ish at 312lbs this morning. I was struggling this afternoon but managed to keep going and exercise nas as well as clip off one of the dogs and walk them. This is all before… Read more →

Yay Sun…

Nas was glad to be out this morning after his day of confinement yesterday. Not that he really minds what with the extra haylage and treats. Yesterday I wasnt that good. But then I wasnt that bad. I specifically didnt go out because I knew I would buy munchies. So I raided the cupboards in the house where I found… Read more →

No Point…

Weighing today, it’s time of the month time again argh. This will explain the need to eat crap yesterday, yep all the chocolate has gone… Along with roast chicken and raspberry pavlova. So annoying just as I was getting back into the swing of things. On a plus note I did get to spend quite a bit of time in… Read more →

Sunday Night Disaster

Here we go it was, another Sunday night with the family. This one was for cards. My Dad, uncle and cousin come over… It’s really just an excuse for a gossip, with a few hands of cards thrown in for good measure. I know I have definitely mentioned before how I struggle with Sunday nights. What I probably haven’t mentioned… Read more →

Time Of The Month Munchies

ahhhh dear, just when I think I am getting somewhere the time comes for my monthly cycle… argh dieting or not it’s never a good time of the month for me, I’m very grr with everyone around me and stressed. People think I’m just being moody but they don’t know what goes on internally I’m fighting even stronger urges to… Read more →

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