Food Freedom

Damn it, I,ve put on over half a stone, so much for heading towards 318lbs, I’m back to 328lbs. I won’t feign ignorance because I know how it happened. I decided to take another sabbatical over my sons birthday, why oh why. Can I not get that this doesn’t mean I can eat box after box of chocolate, and damn… Read more →

I Heart Horses

I was surfing the horse and hound forum the other day, and saw a picture of a nice horse that caught my eye. Without really thinking about what i was saying i said out loud “i love horses” it wasn’t even a showy horse, it was someone’s pet pony but there was something in the picture that made me melt… Read more →

What Not A Day… hehe

ok so yesterday didn’t go as planned… i was going to blame hubby again but think its high time i took responsibility i meant it’s not as if he force fed me. I had cereal as planned, but then we had to go out and about which happened to take me right past the place that does one of my… Read more →

What a day…

It,s gorgeous outside this morning, the sun is bright. There is a slight frost so the ground is firm, not hard where it hurts your feet as you walk or you trip over. There is no wind, it’s fresh but not so cold your bones feel chilled. It’s a perfect horse day… In fact it’s a perfect day to go… Read more →

So Much For Being Ultra Good

Dishwasher…. Argh why is it things go wrong just when you need them the most… We decided to cook a Chinese meal on Saturday night i know it was a bit late for Chinese new year but hey the thought was there – never again will I attempt a Chinese meal, I just don’t seem to have the knack, the… Read more →

ARGH Damn You 321lbs

I’m so sick of seeing 321lbs… The only bit that keeps changing is the .8 or today was .1 i don’t see the point of breaking it down further on what i log, but my scales do show it as 321.4 pfft pfft pfft. cant tell you how fed up i am, ok i did have the last piece of… Read more →

Big Plates Lead To PLATEau

After my miraculous weight loss at the weekend, i seem to of struggled to keep it off let alone lose anymore; I’m still stuck at 321lbs… Even though i would say I’ve been at least 95% good the last few days. I have had dessert the last few nights rather than a yogurt, and last night i helped myself to… Read more →

1st Goal failed…

pfft, ptooey, humpf, Yes I’m a numpty and failed my first goal… i weighed myself first thing and was 320lbs, but when i got back on to do my 1st of the month body fat analysis it took my weight as 321lbs. i shouldn’t complain too much seeing as i was heading back to 325lbs last week, I’m also glad… Read more →

One Treat Isnt One Box

So i was kinda good yesterday, in one way i managed to walk the dogs, groom Nas and give him a walk around the yard. what i wasn’t good at was just having one treat, that is unless you count the fact i had a box of cream eggs -that counts as ONE right?- i would like to say it… Read more →

Pfft To Plateauing

Yep, my weight has stayed the same AGAIN… i know it is probably no surprise that it hasn’t gone down. But even yesterday after 2 Cadbury’s cream eggs and a bag of kinder Buenos eggs (my fave Easter goodies) it’s stayed the same. I should be pleased it hasn’t gone up… I’m not I’m annoyed it hasn’t moved at all.… Read more →

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