The Tides Are A Changing…

In a bid not to sound like a broken record I was trying to think of a heading that would reflect my mood, but not sound a bit repetitive I mean how many times can I say ‘I’m back on track’ or this time I am ready etc. etc. This dilemma was actually stopping me from posting today; trying to… Read more →

Who Knows Why?

  I over eat! I don’t. And to be honest even if I did I don’t really think knowing will help all that much. We all know I want to lose weight to ride Nas, but then there is this other side of me that just wants to shut down and bumble along in a bubble full of food. Do… Read more →

I Don’t Do Heels…

  I can just about manage a wedge so long as my toes aren’t quite literally wedged. I’ve never been one of those girls that can suffer pain because something looks good.  If it hurts then it’s coming off no matter what. Many a time I have walked home bare footed. Although in truth it doesn’t just have to hurt… Read more →

Want To Hear Something Depressing …

I’ve been trying to sit down and write this post since Sunday, I can’t say it’s just been an issue of finding the time. Although it is part of the reason. Mainly though it’s a case of just when I feel like I’ve got what I want to say in my head it goes and I’m back with that lost… Read more →

Dare I say It…

But I’ve lunged Nas three times now, the past two quite hard and there has been ‘no cough’ a bit of snorting and nostril clearing but definitely no cough. fingers crossed we can now get back on track with our fitness program for the cross country in September. Read more →

Talking Of Walking…

Ok not so much walking but driving, but then again it is directly connected to my not walking. I’m not sure if I mentioned it in a previous post –sorry to bore you but I feel this needs a whole post of its own- My Jeep Died, and I am still in mourning pathetic I know. But I loved that… Read more →

Slimline Spirit

I’m not the only one in the family who needs to lose weight; poor little miss spirit has the same fat genes as me. Since the grass started coming through she has been going out in a muzzle 24/7 and I hate it. I feel so sorry for her having to wear it; I’ve bought them in on occasion just… Read more →

I Hate Waking Up Hungry…

It sets my whole day off on the wrong footing. It doesn’t really help that I wasn’t sure which foot I was going to set my day off on either. To say I’m at a cross roads is an understatement. This weekend I took time out to relax despite only getting back on track last week. I will admit now… Read more →

Miss Cheeky

I bought the horses in yesterday afternoon so they could have a break from the sun and to let Spirit have some time off from her muzzle. So I left them in while I picked Steve up. Purposely thinking spirit could do with a break from pigging on the grass. Her belly is massive even with the grazing muzzle on… Read more →

Poor Spirit…

Is ill now, at the weekend she was breathing quite heavy and the way her little belly was moving I thought maybe (just maybe) there was more than meets the eye to her dropped belly. Well after texting her old owner and confirming we weren’t going to hear the tiny patter of hooves. We decided the boy should ride after… Read more →

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