Trot, Trot, Trot

The old boy finally did a trot worthy of a few marks, it was uplifted rounded, knees were being involved. Overall it was a lovely site to see him trot towards me with his head held high and his knees almost touching his nose. And what’s best its happened twice, whoop.

It made such a change from stoic heavy plodding trot he has been doing over the past few weeks. Like I said I was getting to the point where I knew it was here but couldn’t quite see it. Hmm I couldn’t see it consistently we had a few steps that were ok and then suddenly he was coming down heavy again.

It was middle of last week when I first felt we’d got his first true step out of him, before that they had been stilted movements to get him from A-2-B (stable 2 field). I was walking him out he just suddenly felt and moved so much better. We then had a set back for couple of days, Until yesterday.

When he practically sprung out of his box in the morning, he then trotted of across the field perfectly no head bobbing, No coming down heavy on his fore. You can tell he’s very unfit this winter seems to of knocked him a bit. It’s our second winter in Norfolk and the first one where I haven’t given him sugar beet.

looking at him the other day where others would probably say he looks great weight wise, I don’t like it. He’s too hippy for me and needs to fill out a bit. All he gets day to day is haylage and some healthy hooves. So I’m thinking its time to up his rations a little bit as hopefully soon he will be coming back into work.

Its almost past the point of sugar beet for me ( I know some people feed it all year round) I tend to do it over the winter months, considering the haylage hasn’t been that great recently maybe I should off. I will look into some kind of balancer for him again though. I just have to be careful with those if he’s not doing any work he can turn into a bit of a pig.

Tomorrow the boy is back at school, Steve is at work, it’s the beginning of our new routine. And I have to say although I am going back to being a taxi. I am looking forward to having some time alone at home to get on with chores. I’m not generally a watch tv in the day kind of person. But if the boys are home and the weather is a bit bleak outside, I can be enticed into staying in front of the tv.
Oh and the fire.

When left to my own devices I tend to get on with things a lot more. I also don’t get that resentment that I am the one doing everything (yes I am a woman). It means i am a lot more active and I’m positive I will get out with the dogs this week to start our walks around the local forest again. It’s worrying how little we haven done recently. When you think to go for a 2hr walk was becoming part of our weekly routine.

It also means I can be a bit more on it with the diet. I don’t need to worry about the boys eating habits or be tempted to join him when he asks for a snack. I’m also not out and about as much so there is less temptation. I kind of know where I am at with it and what I want and need to do. I also think I need to stop trying to set in stone what I am doing.

So hopefully the scales will finally start going down again. In fact it has to go down, or at the very least I need to tone up more. I caught sight of myself a couple of times over the weekend, and its not pretty I’m definitely beginning to expand all over again, my bottom is beginning to get its ledge back. Generally I’m looking like I’ve been blown up.

I hate the way I look and feel at the moment, Time to sort it out.

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