After waking up with a full on head cold the last thing I needed this morning was a frozen pipe!
I finally emerged on the yard about 9am to find the tack room inches deep in gushing cold water!
After losing my head and running back to house to get the spanners and ringing Steve to tell him I needed him on the yard pronto!
I then remembered that the cut of tap was actually in the same cupboard where the water was gushing from!
We had the exact same thing happen last year when it began to defrost. Back then though we had no idea what that tap did!
Its actually cut into the base of the cupboard so turning it is a pain in the arse even without the added hassle of water!
Luckily the crisis was soon averted and other than the floor nothing got wet, luckily Nas’s turnout hadn’t fallen off the tack box!
I then put a mercy text out to our friend/handy man who came straight out to fix it. After Steve had decided it couldn’t be fixed!
Due to the hose still being frozen, but then his method of fixing was just to insert the pipe back in and hope it stayed there!
Typically this afternoon when I went back onto the yard to finish up, I managed to flood it all again!
The tap was running slow and I had it trickling into a bucket it when it suddenly decided to run normal again!
Gotta love this weather!