Moving Day One





Woo hoo! we had a fairly stress free day, that is until i tried to park my dad’s van outside his house. I was worried it would get hit so decided to take it around the back.

Not realising it didnt fit under his archway! as you can imagine he went a lil crazy and we had to let all the air out of the tyres before trying to back it out. I had ripped the aerial out and dented the top.

fair enough he was cross, and I was a bit shaken up, I hate breaking other peoples things it gives me this anxious sicky feeling. And the fact I have just cost us more money we cant afford, the aerial alone is £200! there goes my new mounting block.

On a plus note we still love the house and cant wait to get fully moved in.

Food wise yesterday I had a couple bags of mini cheddars and snack bag of cadbury fingers. Dinner was rib eye steak and chips the pub way, with mushrooms tomatoes and peas. followed by chocolate brownie :-)

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