Since the snow is still here, and the temperature seems to be dropping today especially! It appears I’m continuing the lazy period. It’s just a lot quieter now the boy is back at school. Bless him he is still coughing and yesterday after school he zoned out in front of the tv.
I wasn’t going to hassle him he’s obviously not well still, but well enough for school. Back to me though, with the snow there is still very little I can actually do outside. And the last couple of mornings I have had to go out, so I’ve not been able to muck out first thing. It’s going to be the same over the next couple of days.
I should really do some housework and I think I’m just coming round to the idea. After taking last week out as family time. It’s been hard to get back into the swing of things. Especially as Steve is home during the day at mo. I find I kind of lose my motivation for getting on with things, today I did start to pick up around us.
Yesterday and today I have eaten to fullness at lunchtime even I will say it was probably a bit too much, yesterday was a massive sub filled with prawn mayo & lettuce followed by a fairy cake for lunch and dinner was Ham egg and chips followed by strawberry crumble curtesy of nigella. Needless to say my weight didn’t go down.
I’m not to unhappy with it though because at the moment the main thing is I stop eating between meals and in the evenings. And if I had of done more exercise yesterday I’m sure I would of lost. So I don’t think it’s to do with the quantities so much. Although I didn’t particularly enjoy the stuffed feeling I had after lunch, note to self don’t but the big subbers again.
One of my negatives from yesterday… Was once again clothes! My brown jodhpurs are in desperate need of the wash. So I thought I would try the FF lush jodhpurs but they had a faulty zip, so I ended up putting my jeans on. Big mistake I didn’t realise before just how much they restricted me. The sizing on them is all wrong and every step I took felt like I was taking ten.
In the end I decided to put back on my comfy but dirty FF puppi jodhpurs to muck out in. Boy what a difference I was striding out I was warm and I could bend over without my bum showing unfortunately though the damage had been done and my hips were playing up from the earlier resistance the jeans had given them.
This got me to thinking about how in the past the one thing that has held me back is the lack of suitable clothing. I know I keep harping on about this but seriously the incident with the jeans is just the tip of the iceberg I mean c’mon being plus sized shouldn’t mean you should just make do with clothes. Or be worried that something might split at that most inconvenient moment you can imagine.
Yesterday it was like I was two different people… In the morning I looked and felt like a slob every step was a chore and I was struggling. To the outside world I would of looked like some lazy half arsed kinda person. Then in the afternoon, I was off(ok to a point the hips were hurting) but I’m sure if someone had seen me they would of said for a fat girl. Your quite spritely! Ok maybe they wouldn’t of gone that far but you know what I mean.
Luckily for plus sized riders we now have companies that make jodhpurs and accessories suitable. However we are still lacking in the the necessities that make an outfit, that make us stand out and not look like some rejected darts player. Ok maybe that should be Not stand out for looking like a rejected darts player.