Here Again!

I’ve been seeing this on the scales since saturday morning! One the first day I was of course pleased to see it. Friday night we’d had lasagne and chips which although was a big portion, I did stop myself part way through. Which left me wanting more.

Even after toffee yogurt I was still thinking about food. But I managed to soldier on and not eat anything else that night. Saturday was a bit of a mix up day, we were going to have a sandwich out but actually ended up in a pub. Where despite knowing I had a BBQ later.

I still ordered scampi and chips. Followed by chocolate brownie, which I did share with The boy. -i didn’t want to- then saturday night was actually a hog roast roll with some salads followed by cheesecake. I have to admit to demolishing this, it was the nicest cheesecake I’d had in a while.

And then onto sunday, which was brunch of bacon and cheese baps. With pizza and coleslaw for dinner, I had saved up my treat so I could have popcorn and chocolate in front of a film. (I know I shouldn’t of done this) I had wanted to stop the whole snacking in front of tv or at least make it fruit.

Then after the boy went to bed I had a scout around the kitchen but all I could find was a lollipop, which was horrible. So I settled on one of my toffee yogurts with the idea that at least I was having something I enjoyed and hopefully I wouldn’t go back for more junk.

I managed to stay away, despite feeling hungry and constantly thinking about food. I went to bed reasonably chilled. With a glimmer of hope I would be down a pound today, Nope no such luck. Today is going to be a struggle because no matter how many times I think at least you haven’t put on.

It actually means tosh in the long run. I want to be lower and sure I could of probably ate less – or could I of? Its when I try to cut down completley that I end up going totally of the rails and thinking I’ll start again tomorrow. So at least this way I am still thinking allong the right lines.

The one thing we didn’t do much of this weekend was exercise. I haven’t done much with the horses, walked the dogs or even been anywhere that required me to walk a bit further. We did build a trampoline but I don’t think that counts and before you say it, I’m too big to go on it.

So in a bid to counteract the toad in the hole I have planned later for dinner, I am going to be blitzing the house and garden. Along with some horsey time. Yep we are having a home day. Hope you all have a good bank holiday.

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